Gemma’s Great Uncle Arthur, world traveler and bookstore
Co-owner and tearoom partner. I look forward to more of Uncle Arthur, his
character sound fascinating.
Mrs. Hudson Tea Room partner, Jayne, Gemma’s best friend.
Ryan Ashburton, West London (Cape Cod) police detective and
Gemma’s former lover.
Det. Estrada, Ryan’s partner. Det. Estrada’s immediate dislike of Gemma and
her single-minded determination to focus on her was irritating. She wanted so
badly for Gemma to be guilty. There doesn’t appear to be a reason other than
her disbelief of Gemma’s “ability”.
Moriarty, the bookstore cat. He’s not a fan of Gemma.
Violet, the loving cocker spaniel who waits patiently at
home. What a sweetie…
Gemma finds what appears to be a rare, therefore expensive, magazine hidden in
her bookstore, tracking down the author leads to a body; leading to Gemma and
Jayne as prime suspects in a murder. For habitual, astute mystery readers the difficulty
level will be low, but the writing combined with the appeal of the setting and characters
should make up for that. ELEMENTARY, SHE
READ shows real promise. There are a few things that would make the series a
definite go to for me.
Less contradiction and a trifle more humility in
An explanation for Det. Estrada’s hostility. She
had it out for Gemma from the get go. Difficulty believing in Gemma’s “ability”
doesn’t cut it by the end of the book.
More Uncle Arthur.
Speaking personally, these changes would certainly make
Gemma and crew my newest gotta read cozy series.
3.5 Stars
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