Sunday, July 31, 2016


This exciting title from the folks at the Bathroom Readers' Institute contains the strangest short history articles from over 30 Bathroom Readers—along with 50 all-new pages. From the 20th century to the Old West, from the Age of Enlightenment to the Dark Ages, from ancient cultures all the way back to the dawn of time, Strange History is overflowing with mysterious artifacts, macabre legends, kooky inventions, reality-challenged rulers, boneheaded blunders, and mind-blowing facts. Read about…
*The curse of Macbeth
*Stupid history: Hollywood style
*The secret LSD experiments of the 1960s
*In search of the lost “Cloud People” of Peru
*The Swedish queen who declared war on fleas
*Unearthing the past with the Outhouse Detectives
*The Apollo astronaut who swears he saw a UFO
*How to brew a batch of 5,000-year-old beer
*The brutal bloodbaths at Rome’s Coliseum
*Ghostly soup from ancient China
*The bathroom of the 1970s (Synopsis from Amazon)

Is anyone else a fan of these books?  My father in law started me on these and we had the best time discussing the fun bits of trivia we'd learned.
What about you, yea or nay to trivia?  Have you ever had it come in handy?


4 Stars
My father in law introduced me to the Bathroom Readers' Institute books years ago, and I became an instant fan.  STRANGE HISTORY is no exception and a delightful addition to the line.
Fun, quick read little bites of minutia that never fail to entertain and educate (to a degree).
These off the wall tidbits of trivia come in handy at the most unexpected times and can be used to spark conversations, revive flagging ones, and be the source of much hilarity.
Lovers of trivia and humor should be pleased with this latest in the series.

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