Ever read a new book and knew it had all the earmarks of a classic? That's how I felt reading DRACUL. Dark, tense, and engrossing, DRACUL keeps faith with the original DRACULA. DRACUL's Dracula isn't a potential lover, doesn't sparkle, and will likely never join a rock band or perform on the stage. He's ruthless, brutal, dismissive of those "beneath" him, and holds a grudge like nobody's business.
Bram Stoker and his siblings, Mathilda and Thornley, are our Van Helsing like protagonists.. Their story, beginning when Bram was a sickly child everyone was sure would die, is told via journal entries and letters, flitting between their past and present.
Nanna Ellen Crone is our mystery component. Who or perhaps better asked, what is she? Is she good or evil? How did she "cure" Bram? The questions surrounding Nanna Ellen flew fast and furious in my mind as I read.
DRACUL is creepy, spine tingling, and made me jump at every little sound. It's not the devil you might encounter next door, but the boogeyman you conjure as you read, the bump in the night, the darker shadow in the corner of your bedroom, that's my preferred horror. The mystery surrounding Ellen Crone was simply the icing on the cake. DRACUL flat out delivers. Five stars, & those are never given lightly.
5 stars
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