Saturday, November 19, 2016


Paranaormals haven't been high on my list lately, but RACE THE DARKNESS also has a mystery and that, along with the blurb and cover, are what drew me. Xander's eyes put me in mind of huskies with those spooky ice blue eyes.
What have y'all been reading lately? Looking forward to the holidays? Work load permitting I may have a go at my shelves and hold a giveaway. Please let me know if any of you would be interested in a "gently read" book giveaway.

I found an amazing yarn sale at a craft outlet store here so I'll be in my chair, crocheting this weekend. What are y'all going to try to do this weekend?

There's not a lot that's new in Abbie Roads', RACE THE DARKNESS:
-Dream walking
-Hearing the thoughts of others, though there is an interesting spin on Xander's condition with the lightning and scars.
-Soul mates but she does explain it with an interesting Native American legend.

What set RACE THE DARKNESS apart for me was Ms. Roads' voice; dark, highly descriptive (maybe a tad too much so at times), in your face, and unapologetically blunt. Not once while reading did another author come to mind as often happens. That's a good thing for me.
This is also a description of Xander. Yes, he's an ass, admits it freely, and hasn't a single issue with that. If you do, that's your problem not his. He's a wonderful anti-hero, and I was drawn to him immediately.
Isleen pales in comparison. For the most part she came across as milksoppish with only an occasion or two where she displays any real backbone. What she manages to survive is horrific, and you know there's some steel and gumption somewhere, but where? Maybe it gives Xander an opportunity to display his "softer, gentler" side. Maybe it's to emphasize the effect of their binding.
Personally speaking, despite all she goes through, she was a bit insipid.
My other issue was Gale. Her reasoning was beyond me. I just didn't get her or the why behind her actions.
Those two issues aside, RACE THE DARKNESS brings readers some exciting new characters and a bold new voice that, love it or hate, is bound to get your attention.

4 stars

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